Grace Changes Everything

The foundation of City Church of East Nashville is the strong belief that the gospel of God's amazing grace changes everything.

When and Where?

We meet every Sunday morning at 10:00am at Eastside Station in East Nashville.

Eastside Station

805 Woodland St. Suite 330,
Nashville, TN 37206

When you enter the building, walk all the way down the hallway to the back of the building. You’ll see our welcome table at the end of the hall. We’ll have fresh coffee and tea ready for you to enjoy!

What is a Worship Service Like?

Our worship service lasts about an hour and includes singing (hymns + newer songs), prayer, teaching and time for reflection. We use a liturgy guide for every service, which is an order of worship that includes songs, congregational call and response text, scripture readings and other information, to help guide us through the service together.


We focus our hearts and minds in preparation to enter into the life-giving presence of God.

Songs of Praise

God’s people sing not only as an expression of our love for God, but also to remind ourselves of our place in God’s redemptive story.


Because of the difficulty in a bustling world of quieting our minds and our hearts to focus on God, liturgy allows us with one voice to enter into a spoken and musical dialogue with our creator.


God declares through His Church that everyone who repents and believes in Jesus Christ is completely forgiven from all their sins and their guilty consciences cleansed.


God has ordained the preaching of His Word to illuminate and apply the good news of Jesus Christ to our hearts, which would remain dull and hard apart from the operation of His Holy Spirit.

The Lord's Supper

A Covenant Meal where we remember Christ's atonement, experience His presence through the Holy Spirit, and anticipate His return to renew all things and share an eternal feast in the New Heavens and Earth.

Families with Children

At City Church, children of all ages are always welcome among us, for our entire service. We know that they wiggle, and we like a little noise! We are more fully the body of Christ when kids are in our midst.

There is a table near the entrance with art supplies and fidget toys to help with busy minds and bodies. We also offer Godly Play classes for kids to worship and learn together during the service, where they can be drawn into an engaging, enjoyable, and exciting encounter with the gospel in language that is familiar to them.

When you arrive, please head to children's ministry check-in. We have helpful volunteers who can answer your questions, help you sign your child in for a class, and point you in the right direction. All of our teachers and volunteers have passed background checks prior to serving with children.

Have any questions before you join us?

I'm here to help.

KiLee Tullis
Church Administrator
Where can I park

Free parking is available around Eastside Station in both the upper and lower parking lots. There is no charge to park during worship service times.

Will there be coffee?


Can my kids come to the service with me?

Children of all ages are warmly welcomed to participate in the sanctuary for our entire service! There are also children's classes available during the service.

What should I wear?

Please wear whatever you are comfortable wearing.  We have a few folks who like to wear their “Sunday best”, and we have others who would never think of coming to church in anything but jeans and a t-shirt.

What happens after the service?

Each week there is either a visitors lunch hosted by one of our neighborhood groups or a potluck at the church. You are warmly invited to join us.

How to Get Connected

If you are looking to meet people and join our community, here are three easy ways to get plugged in.


Lunch after the Worship Service


After the service, we invite you to join us for lunch! Every Sunday we have either a potluck or a neighborhood group hosts lunch at a local East Nashville restaurant.

To join, just meet in the back of the sanctuary after the service.


Sunday Supper


A great way to get to know City Church and our pastor! Everyone is welcome, especially newcomers. A meal will be provided and David will lead an open Q&A time. Come hungry and full of questions!


Neighborhood Group


Composed of six to twelve people, Neighborhood Groups  meet in homes throughout East Nashville during the week to share a meal, discuss the Bible, pray, and serve our neighborhood.