We love questions

We long to be a place where the claims of Christianity can be explored within genuine relationships. We want those who are not believers, or who are uncertain about their beliefs, to find a safe environment where their questions are welcomed, their doubts are explored, and their difficulties are respected—regardless of whether they ultimately come to believe.

Whether you are one of the many people in our culture and congregation processing skepticism and doubt about Christianity, or a seasoned believer trying to grow and better understand your faith, we welcome your questions and would love the opportunity to wrestle through them with you.

If it is true, as we believe, that the God of the Bible is the all-powerful Creator and sustainer of all things, then we should not be afraid to ask or answer any question.

Therefore, at City Church we are dedicated to providing honest answers to any and all honest questions concerning faith, life, and God. If you have questions about our community, services, or about what it means to be a Christian, we welcome you to visit one of our services or to contact us to set up a meeting with one of our leaders.

Faith & Culture Discussions

Join one of our discussions focused on faithful cultural engagement.

Six Common Questions Concerning Christianity

The Trouble with Christianity: A sermon series by Tim Keller

More Resources

Questioning Christianity is a place to explore the claims of the Christian faith. It’s designed to help people who are open to learning more, process their questions and doubts about Christianity.