Church Membership

To be a member of a church is to make a public promise to live according to the Word of God and to support God's mission and work in this world through the local church. In the Bible this is called a “covenant”. A covenant, or public promise, is the basis for all human society according to the Bible: marriage, employment, citizenship, church membership, etc. These are all relationships of accountability. However, membership in a church is not like membership in a social club or other organizations. Most organization members are consumers — the organization exists to serve them. The Church of Christ is a completely different community – membership in the church means going from being a consumer to becoming a provider of God’s love and care to others. At City Church, we take seriously that we are a church not for ourselves, but for others.

For those that are interested in becoming a member of City Church, we ask that you participate in our "Welcome to City Church" class. Our goal in these classes is to provide you an overview of who City Church of East Nashville is and what it means for you to be a member of this particular church. The class is open to all—those pursuing membership, those who are unsure about membership, and those who are already members but would like a refresher on these topics.


Membership Class

Attend one of our Membership Church classes offered every fall and spring. These classes are designed to teach you the basics about City Church, supply a forum to ask questions, and provide a venue to meet other new visitors.


Meet with a Pastor or Elder

After completing the Membership Class, a pastor or elder will meet with you to answer any questions you have about City Church and go over the Membership Covenant.


Public Covenant

You, along with other new members, will be asked to make a public covenant before the church. If you have never been baptized, we would be delighted to baptize you when you make your membership covenant.


The Bible says that all professing Christians should be baptized (Matthew 28:18-20).

At City Church it is our regular practice to baptize two groups of people:

  • The first group consists of men, women, and children who demonstrate a genuine faith in Jesus Christ, a desire to join His church family (i.e. Membership) and a commitment to serve Jesus in the vision and mission He has given to His Church.
  • The second group consists of the infants and young children of City Church members.