Serve our City

When we choose where to serve, we think about different things, like how the mission fits, using existing relationships, giving City Church members chances to get involved, and understanding the needs or opportunities.

To learn more about ongoing opportunities to serve our city, join the Mercy & Justice group.

Local Partners

Serve our Church

Since you’re a part of City Church, your story becomes part of our story. Who you are and what you offer matter to the life of our church.

A/V Team

If you are familiar with using a computer to do more than just check email and have a desire to help out at church every so often, then serving on the A/V team may be your calling.

City Church Kids

Our church is passionate about serving families and enabling them to thrive in the city. We value the role of kids as a central part of our community and desire to create an environment where they feel known, loved, and respected.

Events Team

The Events team is passionate about creating spaces for communities to form and grow through potlucks, family dinners, retreats, and more!

Facilities Team

The Facilities Team is looking for volunteers to join our team and help with our weekly preparations for our worship space.

Finance Team

The Finance team exists to manage our resources in ways that are transparent, accountable, and in alignment with City Church's  vision and mission.

Mercy & Justice Team

The Mercy & Justice team acts as a catalyst, champion, and connection into opportunities—equipping the entire church body to serve.

Prayer Team

The Prayer Team prays for requests that are sent in and continually prays for our pastor, for the families and children of our church, and for the Lord to bring revival in us and through us to our city.

Welcome Team

The welcome team goal is to welcome members and visitors warmly, and to make sure visitors feel welcome and know how they can get involved.

To get started serving our church, fill out the form and we'll get you connected and on your way to serving.